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Best of Blogs 2017: The World of Blockchain in Transportation

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 30, 2017


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Topics: Transportation Industry and Trends, Blockchain Technology

TTN- Powerful Predictive Maintenance Solutions

Posted by Jennie Ford on Nov 28, 2017


Video transcription below:


Jen Ford: Hi, welcome to Transportation Technology News. I'm your host, Jennie Ford, and today's guests are Scott Vanselous and Renaldo Adler. Hi, guys. Thanks for joining me today.

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Driver Shortage--What Methods Can Trucking Borrow to Staff Up?

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 21, 2017

For more than a decade, three disparate industries -- banking, nursing, and trucking -- have grappled with labor shortages driven by the challenges of replacing an aging workforce.

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Topics: Driver Retention

Building Materials Industry Tech: How Moving Ahead Requires a Look Back

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 16, 2017

Staying competitive in today’s building materials industry is a never-ending challenge. Meeting customer expectations, controlling costs and managing inventory during fickle construction market cycles are key to staying ahead of one’s competition. These are perennial challenges, as vital to the operation of lumber yards of old as they are to suppliers today.

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Topics: Transportation Technology, Routing Software, Dispatch Software

Freight-Level Visibility Transforming Supply Chain Relationships

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 14, 2017

With few exceptions – the most notable being a vehicle braking system – friction is not a good thing.

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Topics: Transportation Technology, Supply Chain

Fuel Consumption vs. The Weather

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 10, 2017

Weather forecasting takes center stage when severe storms are predicted—storms like recent hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. Unlike weather forecasting, however, predicting the consumption of commodities that can be greatly influenced by severe weather can be much more challenging and accurate.

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Topics: Fuel Software

Blockchain: Definitions from A to Z

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 07, 2017

Blockchain technology is expected to have a tremendous impact on the transportation industry. To understand its basics and potential, begin with Timothy Leonard’s expansive white paper, “Blockchain for Transportation: Where the Future Starts,” then check out our blog post Blockchain Technology: The 21st Century Link For Profit and Growth and pre-recorded webinar. For further help in learning the language of blockchain, we’ve compiled an A-to-Z glossary from multiple sources defining the most common terms related to Blockchain.

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Topics: Blockchain Technology

Next Gen Predictive Fleet Maintenance Locked and Loaded

Posted by TMW Systems on Nov 02, 2017

Faced with increasing margin pressure and ever-tighter cost controls, anyone managing a fleet looks to technology for relief.

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Topics: Fleet Management Technology, Fleet Maintenance Software

The Impact with the Rise of Omni-Channel Sales on the Supply Chain

Posted by TMW Systems on Oct 24, 2017

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Topics: Supply Chain, Transportation Technology News Vlog

Your Guide to 3PL Success: Leveraging People, Processes & Technology

Posted by TMW Systems on Oct 19, 2017

Progress rarely is painless, and few know this better than transportation and logistics providers, who have seen their industry transformed by changes at virtually every step in the supply chain. But change often brings both challenge and opportunity – and there is opportunity aplenty for freight brokers and carriers that want to expand into the 3PL category.

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Topics: 3PL Software